To book your preferred seat, simply login and choose Manage Booking and add your seat to your booking. Or you can call our Contact Center, visit any of our Sales Offices.
Seat prices and options will vary depending on the route and aircraft type.Please note that seats in the emergency exit row cannot be occupied by travelers who have special medical needs, those travelling with infants or children, elderly or frail guests, or any other guests who are unable to assist our crew in the event of an emergency.

Fancy traveler? Book our Premium Class or request an upgrade to enjoy more of our services.

Could use some extra legroom? Then choose one of these seats.

Like to be the first to hit the city? Then you’re at the right place.

One for the front rows? Then go no further.

Ladies, are you looking to be seated in a private and comfortable area? Then this is the place to be.

Price conscious? You can choose one of these seats.