Sports Equipment can either be pre-booked at a discounted rate online or at a standard rate at the airport. Passenger are entitled for up to 32kg of appropriately packed Sports Equipment (No individual piece of baggage should exceed 32kg) that must be paid for and will not be checked within the baggage allowance.
The following conditions apply to the carriage of Sports Equipment:
To be accepted for carriage, bicycles must be suitably packed in a hard case or Bike Pack with tires deflated, padals removed, & handle bars fixed parallel to the frame.
If the bicycles length exceeds 180 cm, the front wheel should be removed and fixed next to the rear wheel, within the box, and If the bicycle constitutes excess baggage, then excess baggage charges will apply.
To be accepted for carriage, surfboards must be placed in a surfboard bag and cannot exceed 32 kg and 2 meters in length.
Windsurfers cannot be carried as baggage due to the length of the sail mast.
Surfboard fins must be removed, where possible, and placed in an enclosed compartment in the bag, or taped to the board. Passengers must complete and sign the Conditional Acceptance portion of the baggage tag.
Golf equipment should be packed in a recognized golf case.
Fishing Equipment
Fishing rods must be protected in a PVC cylinder, with screw ends obtained from a local fishing store, or in PVC plumbing or electrical tubing and must not be strapped to suitcases.
Windsurfers cannot be carried as baggage due to the length of the sail mast.
Scuba Diving Equipment
Scuba equipment must be suitably packed. Knives must be carried in checked baggage and spear guns unloaded, with spears separately packed. Flares, incendiary or explosive spearheads must NOT be accepted. Scuba equipment must be suitably packed. Knives must be carried in checked baggage and spear guns unloaded, with spears separately packed. Flares, incendiary or explosive spearheads must NOT be accepted.
Air tanks will be accepted for uplift only when empty and the regulator tap is open. Therefore, pressure gauges must be sighted to ensure the tanks are empty. The gauges must not be higher than the lowest increment.
*A handling fee of SAR 100 will be incurred at the check-in counters for non-standard or over-sized items of baggage (e.g. sporting equipment) that are larger than 158cm H+W+D.